Canción con el nombre Ágatha

Agatha - Beau Jordan

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Letra de Agatha - Beau Jordan

Its like a gun to your head by the hand of the one that you love...Love

Its like the fear that they hide so they dont lose you to the one that you love...Love

Silent, youre silent, you know that its there

Silent, youre silent, emotionless stare

Do I lay bound in delusions? Do I pray?

Its like a gun to your head by the hand of the one that you love...Love

Its like the fear that they hide so they dont lose you to the one that you love...Love

Do I lay bound in delusions? Do I pray?

Take those words and blow them away

I wouldnt die for you,

You know I wouldnt die for you


I never know when Im awake

Silent, youre silent, you know that its there

Silent, youre silent, emotionless stare

Silent, youre silent, you know that its there

Do I lay bound in delusions?

Do I pray bound in delusions?

Do I stay bound in delusions?

Do I pray?

Silent, youre silent, you know that its there

Silent, youre silent, emotionless stare


Take those words and blow them away

I wouldnt die for you,

You know I wouldnt die for you


I never know when Im awake

I never know when Im awake

I never know who are you

I never know when Im awake

I never know who are


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