Canción con el nombre Billie

Aloe Blacc - Billie Jean

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Letra de Aloe Blacc - Billie Jean

You know I got you
I got you where I want you
You cant run from me
And you cand hide from me now
You know I got you
I got you where I want you
You cant run from me
And you cand hide from me now

Lay down
Dont say a word
Please dont move
Calm your nerves
Just relax
I got your back
Hold you down
Get comfortable
Im in control
Love your body now
Open up
Let me in
This is [?]

I can see the look in your eyes
When Im inside
You can even scream if you like
When you arrive

You know I got you
I got you where I want you
You cant run from me
And you cand hide from me now

So beautiful
Your face my dear
The way you look
When youre almost there
And when you walk
The way you sound
It makes me
Wanna be down town

Scream if you want like its your party
Dance with my hands all over your body
Taking of your g-string oh my lordy
How you did with your pants still on? You naughty
Find some paper and a pencil or a pen quick
Write down everything you aint did yet
Write down all the things that you wanna do
Thats probably all the things Im gon do to you
If not now then the next time we get up
When you think about get your uh all wet up
Meet me at your place we can go head up
And let me see that look, I wanna see that look now

I can see the look in your eyes
When Im inside
You can even scream if you like
When you arrive

I can see the look in your eyes
When Im inside
You can even scream if you like
When you arrive

You know I got you
I got you where I want you
You cant run from me
And you cand hide from me now

You know I got you
I got you where I want you
You cant run from me
And you cand hide from me now

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