Canción con el nombre Anastasia

Anastasia - Pat Boone

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Letra de Anastasia - Pat Boone

I gotta get some money and get it right away Because my baby she gave me the word today Shes tired of sittin home each night, she says she has her fill And if I dont take her to the dance next week, Johnny will I checked and found theyre sellin tickets at five bucks each And all that kinda money aint within my reach But if I wanna be the guy who is her only thrill I better take her to the dance next week or Johnny will Oh, that Johnny, that no-good Johnny Hes been tryin to steal my lovin baby away-a Sends her candy, sends her flowers And I never saw her smile the way she smiled at him today I tried to borrow it from my friends but they said no Still somehow some way I just gotta get that dough My future happiness depends on one ten-dollar bill cause if I dont take her to the dance next week, Johnny will, Johnny will Oh, that Johnny, that no-good Johnny Hes been tryin to steal my lovin baby away-a Sends her candy, sends her flowers And I never saw her smile the way she smiled at him today I tried to borrow it from my friends but they said no Still somehow some way I just gotta get that dough My future happiness depends on one ten-dollar bill cause if I dont take her to the dance next week, Johnny will, Johnny will Oh that Johnny Johnny will

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