Canción con el nombre Aurora

Aurora - Foo Fighters

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Letra de Aurora - Foo Fighters

You believe theres something else
To relieve your emptiness
And you dream about yourself
And you bleed and breathe the air
And its on and on and on and on
I just kinda died for you
You just kinda stared at me
We will always have the chance
We can do this one more time
Hell yeah, I remember aurora
Hell yeah, I remember aurora
All this time
Hell yeah, I remember aurora
Take me now, we can spin the sun around
And the stars will all come out
Then well turn and come back down
Turn and come back down
You believe theres somewhere else
Where its easier than this
And you see outside yourself
And you buy the hole youll fill
And its on and on and on and on
Hell yeah, I remember aurora
Hell yeah, I remember aurora
All this time
Hell yeah, I remember aurora
Take me now, we can spin the sun around
And the stars will all come out
Then well turn and come back down
Turn and come back down
On and on and on aurora wait for everyone
Wait till the last ones done
On and on and on aurora wait for everyone
Wait till the last ones done
Take me now, we can spin the sun around
And the stars will all come out
Then well turn and come back down
Turn and come back down
Turn and come back down
Turn and come back down
On and on and on and on and on
On and on and on and on and on
On and on and on and on and on
On and on and on and on and on
On and on and on and on and on
On and on and on and on and on

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