Canción con el nombre Beatrice

Beatrice - Sam Rivers

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Letra de Beatrice - Sam Rivers

Chitty, chitty chat, chitty chat,
Surrounded by the sycophants,
But hes a cool, cool cat,
He is 79 years old,
Hes heard it all before,
Hell hear it all some more,
This is your chance,
Its your once chance,
Will you just ask for an autograph?
Can you find a single word that he hasnt heard,
Though its not what he demands?

A personal experience,
You cannot explain,
At the Ceremony Hall,
Everything just changed,
And you cant possibly understand

If you listen with your eyes youll be mystified by the superficial signs,
If you listen with your ears there is an outside chance that you will hear,
If everything goes as planned,
As it always can with an improvising man,
Tonight you will see the light,
I know it sounds trite,
But it is alright

A personal experience,
You cannot explain,
At the Ceremony Hall,
Everything just changed,
And you cant possibly understand

Tonight you will see the light,
Tonight you will see the light,
Tonight you will see the light,
Tonight you will see the light,
Tonight you will see the light,
Tonight you will see the light,
Tonight you will see the light,
Tonight you will see the light,
Tonight you will see the light,
Tonight you will see the light,
Tonight you will see the light,
Tonight you will see the light

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