Canción con el nombre Queenie

Chuck Berry - Little Queenie

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Letra de Chuck Berry - Little Queenie

I got lumps in my throat
When I saw her comin down the aisle
I got the wiggles in my knees
When she looked at me and sweetly smiled
There she is again
Standin over by the record machine
Looking like a model
On the cover of a magazine
Shes too cute to be a minute over seventeen

Meanwhile I was thinkin

If shes in the mood no need to break it
I got the chance and I oughta take it
If she can dance we can make it
Cmon queenie lets shake it

Go, go, go, little queenie
Go, go, go, little queenie
Go, go, go, little queenie

Tell me whos the queen
Standin over by the record machine
Looking like a model
On the cover of a magazine
Shes too cute to be a minute over seventeen

Meanwhile, I was still thinkin
If its a slow song, well omit it
If its a rocker, then well get it
And if its good, shell admit it
Cmon queenie, lets get with it

Go, go, go, little queenie
Go, go, go, little queenie
Go, go, go, little queenie

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