Canción con el nombre Eileen
Eileen - Keith Richards
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Letra de Eileen - Keith Richards
Eileen, wont you lean on me
This is no life living here without you
This is no way for me to get along
Now that I know Im no good without you
Eileen, Eileen
Eileen, wont you lean on me, please
How much I had baby when I had you
Im destitute this way
Im doing time living here without you
Eileen, Eileen, Eileen
Eileen, now Im coming clean
I guess no substitute will do
What do I do, baby, to impress you
Now that Im blown and thrown out the way
Eileen, Eileen
Eileen, you can lean on me
Baby Im dead in a cruel world without you
Eileen lean on me
Lean on me
Eileen baby wont you lean on me > >
This is no life living here without you
This is no way for me to get along
Now that I know Im no good without you
Eileen, Eileen
Eileen, wont you lean on me, please
How much I had baby when I had you
Im destitute this way
Im doing time living here without you
Eileen, Eileen, Eileen
Eileen, now Im coming clean
I guess no substitute will do
What do I do, baby, to impress you
Now that Im blown and thrown out the way
Eileen, Eileen
Eileen, you can lean on me
Baby Im dead in a cruel world without you
Eileen lean on me
Lean on me
Eileen baby wont you lean on me > >
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