Canción con el nombre Evangeline

Evangeline - The Band & Emmylou Harris

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Letra de Evangeline - The Band & Emmylou Harris

She stands on the banks of the mighty Mississippi
Alone in the pale moonlight
Waiting for a man, a riverboat gambler
Said that hed return tonight

They used to waltz on the banks of the mighty Mississippi
Loving the whole night through
Til the riverboat gambler went off to make a killing
And bring it on back to you

Evangeline, Evangeline
Curses the soul of the Mississippi queen
That pulled her man away

Bayou Sam, from the south Lousianna
Had gambling in his veins
Evangeline, from the maritimes
Was slowly going insane

High on the top of hickory hill
She stands in the lightning and thunder
Down on the river the boat was a-sinking
She watched that queen go under

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