Canción con el nombre Alexandra

Hamilton Leithauser - Alexandra

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Letra de Hamilton Leithauser - Alexandra

I dont think back, I dont need to
When Im always thinking of you
Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra

On my rooftop, always stronger
Dug deep and hard as marble
Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra

So I tuned out all the voices
Telling me its time to swing again
Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra

Oh there must be some signal
Some green light left in your life
When they call you from the crazy sleep
Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra

Well, I took it, and I did it from your heart
Dont you lose me to those blue skies
I still miss you when we slide apart
Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra

Well, there must be some signal
Someone lonely or a green light
Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra
Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra, Alexandra

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