Canción con el nombre Josephine

Hello Josephine - Sleepy LaBeef

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Letra de Hello Josephine - Sleepy LaBeef

There aint no chains strong enough to hold me
Aint no breeze big enough to slow me
Never have seen a river thats too wide
There aint no jail tight enough to lock me
Aint no man big enough to stop me
Ill be there if you ever want me by your side

Love me, if youre ever going to love me
Never have seen a road too rough to ride
There aint no chains strong enough to hold me
Aint no breeze big enough to slow me
Ill be there if you ever want me by your side

There aint no rope stout enough to bind me
Look for me, honey, you will find me
Any old time, get ready with your charm
Ill be there ready and a-waiting
There wont be any hesitating
Ill be there if you ever want me in your arms

Love me, if youre ever going to love me
Never have seen a road too rough to ride
There aint no chain strong enough to hold me
Aint no breeze big enough to slow me
Ill be there if you ever want me by your side

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