Canción con el nombre Jacinta

Jacinta - María Moctezuma

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Letra de Jacinta - María Moctezuma

The balcony is always open
and clouds are in the sky this autumn
I know I feel a whole year older
But only cause its getting colder

Please help me
find my feet

And my angel inspires
A beautiful fire
Id give you my all
Id give you my life
Hey jacinta
Dont you wanna spend the night?
(with me)

I like the way the highway beckons
For once I might just like the future
Id had my share of twisted bad things
A double shot of instant karma

Please help me
find my feet

And my angel inspires
A beautiful fire
Id give you my all
Id give you my life
Hey jacinta
Dont you wanna spend the night?
(with me)

(Thanks to Gavin for these lyrics)

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