Canción con el nombre Jamie

Jamie - Tyketto

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Letra de Jamie - Tyketto

No sleeping
She waits tables late
Trying to stay tough
Never ending
However long she waits
Its just not enough
Hes sleeping late
No work around
Broken dreams come tumbling down
Hes been down every road in this ol dead end town
And now were two more runners in the night

Forever young
Time on our side
Weve got tomorrow
Weve got tonight
Two hungry hearts
Out on the run
Well always be forever young

Shes crying, two worlds collide
Cant take anymore
Hes denying the kick inside
Died and slammed the door, (he says)
We made a deal, you and I
Cross our hearts and hope to die
No matter what may come
Well never say goodbye
But now were two more runners in the night

Forever young
Time on our side
Weve got tomorrow
Weve got tonight
Two hungry hearts
Out on the run
Well always be forever young

Forever, just you and I
Forever, forever just you and I

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