Canción con el nombre Emily

Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler - Emily

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Letra de Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler - Emily

Ive been lonely, come hang
Joy is slippin away
And I wont try to slide
Cause all I wanted was faith

Oh, I cant fight it off
Though Id be holding out for your trust
Oh, lets not call it love
So I cant fuck it up with the thoughts that I hold inside
But the fear you hide
I wont take back control
Though it hurts me so

Oh, I cant fight it off
Though Id be holding out for your trust
Oh, lets not call it love
So I cant fuck it up with my thoughts in an empty room
Bought you sweet perfume
Got the place tonight
Right before my eyes
Oh, I cant fight it off
Though Id be holding out for your trust
Oh, lets not call it love
So I cant fuck it up with my thoughts in an empty room
Bought you sweet perfume
Got the place tonight
Right before my eyes

Oh, I cant fight it off
Though Id be holding out for your trust
Oh, lets not call it love
So I cant fuck it up with the thoughts that I hold inside
But the fear you hide
I wont take back control
Though it hurts me so

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