Canción con el nombre Julie
Julie Through The Glass - Carly Simon
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Letra de Julie Through The Glass - Carly Simon
(Carly Simon)
Julie through the glass
Lookin up at me
Youve just got to be
The sweetest thing Ive ever seen.
Julie through the glass
Just born a day ago
And who knows where youve been
And where youre gonna go.
We want you to love the world
To know it well and play a part
And well help you to learn to love yourself
Cause thats where loving really starts.
Julie through the glass
Im looking forward to
Doing things with you
For many years to come. > >
Julie through the glass
Lookin up at me
Youve just got to be
The sweetest thing Ive ever seen.
Julie through the glass
Just born a day ago
And who knows where youve been
And where youre gonna go.
We want you to love the world
To know it well and play a part
And well help you to learn to love yourself
Cause thats where loving really starts.
Julie through the glass
Im looking forward to
Doing things with you
For many years to come. > >
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