Canción con el nombre Filomena
La Negra Filomena - Cecilia Todd
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Letra de La Negra Filomena - Cecilia Todd
Little Miss Cecilia Green
Little over sweet sixteen
But the cutest flapper that youve ever seen
When the fellows pass her by
She will always wink her eye
When she talks to them
When she walks with them
This is what theyll cry
Does your mother know youre out Cecilia?
Does she know that Im about to steal you?
Oh my when I look in your eyes
Something tells me you and I should get together
How bout a little kiss Cecilia
Just a kiss youll never miss Cecilia
Why do we two keep on wasting time?
Oh Cecilia
Say that youll be mine
Many funny things occur
While the boys are courting her
I refer to one case in particular
She went with a boy named Joe
Who was always lisping so
When hed ask this miss
For a little kiss it would sound just like this
Doeth your mother know youre out The-thiel-yuh
Doeth thee know that Im about to thteal yuh
Oh my when I look in your eyth
I feel very you know tho un-neth-the-tha-ry
How about a little kiss The-thiel-yuh
Jutht a kith youll never mith The-thiel-yuh
Why do we two keep on wathting time?
Oh The-thiel-yuh
Thay that youll be mine
Mine How about a little kith, the thiel yuh
Jutht a kith youll never mith, the thiel yuh.
Why do we two keep on wathing time
Oh, the theil yuh > >
Little over sweet sixteen
But the cutest flapper that youve ever seen
When the fellows pass her by
She will always wink her eye
When she talks to them
When she walks with them
This is what theyll cry
Does your mother know youre out Cecilia?
Does she know that Im about to steal you?
Oh my when I look in your eyes
Something tells me you and I should get together
How bout a little kiss Cecilia
Just a kiss youll never miss Cecilia
Why do we two keep on wasting time?
Oh Cecilia
Say that youll be mine
Many funny things occur
While the boys are courting her
I refer to one case in particular
She went with a boy named Joe
Who was always lisping so
When hed ask this miss
For a little kiss it would sound just like this
Doeth your mother know youre out The-thiel-yuh
Doeth thee know that Im about to thteal yuh
Oh my when I look in your eyth
I feel very you know tho un-neth-the-tha-ry
How about a little kiss The-thiel-yuh
Jutht a kith youll never mith The-thiel-yuh
Why do we two keep on wathting time?
Oh The-thiel-yuh
Thay that youll be mine
Mine How about a little kith, the thiel yuh
Jutht a kith youll never mith, the thiel yuh.
Why do we two keep on wathing time
Oh, the theil yuh > >
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