Canción con el nombre Laura

Laura - Scissor Sisters

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Letra de Laura - Scissor Sisters

Laura en español

Laura, cant you give me some time,
I got to give myself one more chance
To be the man that I know I am
To be the man that I know I am
Wont you just tell Cincinnati,
Im Gonna need your love
Dont you give me your love?

Dont you give me your,
Come on,
Come on,
Where is your love?
Don´t you give me your love,
Don´t you give me your,
Come on,
Come on,
Where is your love?
Dont you give me your love?
Dont you give me your

Freeda, cant you spare me a dime?
I got to give myself one more chance
To ring the band that I know Im in
To ring the band that I know Im in
Wont you just tell Baby Daddy,
Im gonna need his love
Why dont you give me his love?
Why don´t you give me his,
Come on,
Come on,
Where is your love?
Don´t you give me your love,
Don´t you give me your,
Come on,
Come on,
Where is your love?
Don´t you give me your love
Don´t you give me your

Thisll be the last time,
I ever do your hair
One face among the many,
I never thought you cared
Thisll be the last time,
I ever do your hair
One face among the many,
I never thought you cared

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