Canción con el nombre Lili

Lili Marleen - Marlene Dietrich

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Letra de Lili Marleen - Marlene Dietrich

Underneath the lantern, by the barrack gate, Darling I remember the way you used to wait. T was there that you whispered tenderly, that you lovd me, youd always be My Lilly of the lamplight, my own Lilly Marlene. Time would come for roll call, time for us to part. Darling Id caress you, and press you to my heart. And there neath that far off lantern light Id hold you tight, wed kiss tonight, my Lilly of the lamplight, my own Lilly Marlene. Orders came for sailing, somewhere over there. All confined to barracks was more than I could bear. I knew you were waiting in the street, I heard your feet, but could not meet my Lilly of the lamplight, my own Lilly Marlene. Resting in a billet, just behind the line, even though were parted your lips are close to mine. You wait where the lantern softly gleams, your sweet face seems to haunt my dreams, my Lilly of the lamplight, my own Lilly Marlene, my Lilly of the lamplight, my own Lilly Marlene.

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