Canción con el nombre Lucille

Little Richard - Lucille

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Letra de Little Richard - Lucille

Lucille, you wont do your sisters will?
Oh, Lucille, you wont do your sisters will?
You ran off and married, but I love you still.

Lucille, please, come back where you belong.
Lucille, please, come back where you belong.
I been good to you, baby, please, dont leave me alone.

I woke up this morning, Lucille was not in sight.
I asked my friends about her but all their lips were tight.
Lucille, please, come back where you belong.
I been good to you, baby, please, dont leave me alone, whoa

I woke up this morning, Lucille was not in sight.
I asked my friends about her but all their lips were tight.
Lucille, please, come back where you belong.
I been good to you, baby, please, dont leave me alone.

Lucille, baby, satisfy my heart.
Lucille, baby, satisfy my heart.
I played for it, baby, and gave you such a wonderful start.

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