Canción con el nombre Louisa

Lord Huron - Louisa

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Letra de Lord Huron - Louisa

Good for nothing is the name theyll remember me by
done nothin with my life for no one, Im just waitin to die
I turned my back on the world
you know Id given up on livin til I met you girl

Then you came into my life with come hither in your eyes
Pulling me outta the grave what a nice surprise
I die when our nights end, but I only stay dead til I see you again

I lie awake in the night just to see another dawn
Used to be the sun was my weakness but them days are gone
I feel your lips on mine
Will you meet me by the river, baby, one more time?

Ill give you what you wanna have, Ill take you where you wanna go
Im the only man youll ever need, girl, and now you know
Ill write your name on my skin, as a promise that well never be apart again

I feel alive when Im with you, baby
So tell me that I wont ever be lonely again
Dont wanna die I wanna wander the world with you
and no one else for the rest of my days on this earth.

I turned my back on the world.
I wasnt always like this, girl
Do you know what loneliness does to a man?
Turn him into the walking dead
I may have died but your lovin raised me.

I feel alive when Im with you, baby
So tell me that I wont ever be lonely again
You saved my life I just wanna repay you in kind
aint no one else ever tell you youre beautiful, girl?

I feel alive when Im with you, baby.
So tell me that I wont ever be lonely again.
Dont wanna die I wanna wander the world with you
and no one else for the rest of my days on this earth

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