Canción con el nombre Aquilino

Los Golden Boys - Pirulino

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Letra de Los Golden Boys - Pirulino

Aimless aint got no where to go
All my thoughts have gone...

Mother Mary had a son
Whose days were spent on having fun
And Monday he got a letter: “you could make yourself feel better”
Mother Mary had a man who healed with healing hands
Millions of boys lay dead
Mother Mary had a baby but he had his hed never tasted
He hunted all the others then he hunted all his brothers
Mother Mary had a man who healed with healing hands
Millions of boys stay dead

Go-Go-Golden Boys
Youve got your workforce
Looking straight on
And with your eyes so blue
I will remember you
One for me, one for you

Mother Mary baby, rock and roll
Rock and roll, you know I only want you for your rock and roll Mother Mary
Mother Mary had a man who healed with pleasing hands
Millions of boys stay dead

Go-Go-Golden Boys
Youve got your workforce
Looking straight on
And with your eyes so blue
Well do what the old do
One for me, one for you

1, 2, 3, GO!
Brother mother baby youre flipped out
Youre over influenced
One day you will do it
Youll make yourself feel better
Mother Mary had a man who healed with healing hands
Millions of boys stay dead
Millions of boys stay dead
Millions of boys stay dead
Millions of boys stay dead.

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