Canción con el nombre Mandy

Mandy - Citizen Cope

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Letra de Mandy - Citizen Cope

The newspaper got some more people killed here
The magazine watched them shoot em in the field there
The radio they turned another deaf ear
The institutions stole everything near

Segeant Mannys workin on a lead
From his funky at the doubletree
Five cannons outside the door
Five badges and a labrador

Born to chase after that dollar bill
Not to race up that forgotten hill
They dont want you but youre still here
And God knows thats a miracle

The newspaper got some more people killed here
The magazine watched them shoot em in the field here
The radio they turned another deaf ear
The institution stole everything near

They pulled them over on the interstate
In her apartment threw a stun grenade
Found the pistol put the house in flames
And thats was happened in their world today

Born to chase after that dollar bill
Not to race up that forgotten hill
They dont want you but youre still here
God knows thats a miracle

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