Canción con el nombre Bruno
Mesita - Bruno
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Letra de Mesita - Bruno
i need to let it go
cut the ties off
and move on
feel so foolish now
you were the only one i had around
i let it go
now i hold onto nothing
now i hold onto nothing
feel so foolish now
you were the only one i had around
all that hope and pain and doubt
for a kid i care nothing about
i let it go
now i hold onto nothing
now i hold onto nothing > >
i need to let it go
cut the ties off
and move on
feel so foolish now
you were the only one i had around
i let it go
now i hold onto nothing
now i hold onto nothing
feel so foolish now
you were the only one i had around
all that hope and pain and doubt
for a kid i care nothing about
i let it go
now i hold onto nothing
now i hold onto nothing > >
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