Canción con el nombre Susanna
Oh Susanna - Johnny Cash & James Taylor
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Letra de Oh Susanna - Johnny Cash & James Taylor
Oh what a dream oh what a dream I dreamed I walked in a field of flowers
oh what a dream The houses all were silver towers
oh what a dream Beside the road an angel sat I said Hello and tipped my hat And stopped when I saw her smile
And sat me down a while
I sat me down a while Oh what a dream oh what a dream I tried the angel for a kiss
oh what a dream But she turned away and my lips missed
oh what a dream She said sir Ill have you know I met you just a while ago Your welcome for to sit But calm yourself a bit
sir calm yourself a bit
Oh what a dream oh what a dream I fell in love like 1,2,3
oh what a dream I asked the angel to marry me
oh what a dream She said sir I cant marry you but Im a dream that can come true There are dreams of much my worth That live upon the earth
sir live upon the earth Oh what a dream oh what a dream Then I awoke and found my love
oh what a dream As heavenly as one abov
oh what a dream Well marry on a sea of flowers on will be a silver tower Theyll be heaven in my life with an angel for a wife
an angel for a wife Oh what a dream oh what a dream
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