Canción con el nombre Ramona

Ramona - Blue Diamonds

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Letra de Ramona - Blue Diamonds

Ramona, I hear the mission bells above Ramona, theyre ringing out our song of love I press you, caress you and bless the day you taught me to care To always remember the rambling rose you wear in your hair Ramona, when day is done youll hear my call Ramona, well meet beside the waterfall I dread the dawn when I awake to find you gone Ramona, I need you my own Ramona, I hear the mission bells above Ramona, theyre ringing out our song of love I press you caress you and bless the day you taught me to care To always remember the rambling rose you wear in your hair Ramona, when day is done youll hear my call Ramona, well meet beside the waterfall I dread the dawn when I awake to find you gone Ramona, I need you my own

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