Canción con el nombre Anette

Rodrigo Rojas - Anette

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Letra de Rodrigo Rojas - Anette

I, I was never very young
I walk like a stranger through this world
No you dont know me
Although Im with you Im so far away...
But it wasnt the heat that
Threw the night into turmoil
Put the city in darkness
And soldiers on the street
But the car
Burning up on the roadside
For all those in exile
Waiting to be released
In city
Surrounded by slums
Invaded by soldiers
Invaded by debt
Under dictator
Who escalates terror
Provoking further
Intensive civil unrest
And in the fear of
The nights disappearances
A conspiracy of silence
Spread up around us like a wall
Between commemoration candles
And the twelve oclock curfew
You started to feel less
Until you couldnt feel at all
Stood on the wrong side
Of the barricades in the national strike
Then became exile
Soldiers shooting into the crowd ath the university
Growing up under government
Where to be young is to be the enemy
Where soldiers tear gas churches
And theres ten thousand missing persons
Whose cases are never solved
And the government advises not to get involved
No Te Metas...
Someday well return there
From the years spent in exile
To the land where we were born
From the years spent in exile
Someday well be free there
In the land where we were born

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