Canción con el nombre Stephany

Rosie & the Originals - Angel Baby

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Letra de Rosie & the Originals - Angel Baby

Rosy, wont you please come home,
Mama dont know where youve been.
Rosy wont you please come home,
Your rooms clean and no ones in it.

Oh, my rosy, how I miss you,
You are all the world to me.
Take a look and see if you like it,
If you like it, please, come back.

Rosy, wont you please come home,
Since you joined the upper classes
You dont know us anymore,
Live and let your trouble pass.

Rosy, rosy, where are you, tell me,
If you dont want to come back.
I will sacrifice all I have
To have a happy home once more.

Rosy, wont you please come home,
Two long years have passed away.
Since you tried to change your life
Christmas wasnt quite the same.

Rosy, rosy, got any answers?
You are miles across the sea
And Ill bake a cake if you tell me
You are on the first plane home.

Rosy, wont you please come home,
Mama dont know where youve been.
Rosy wont you please come home,
Your rooms clean and no ones in it.

Oh, my rosy, how I miss you,
You are all the world to me.
Take a look and see if you like it,
If you like it, please, come home.


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