Canción con el nombre Roxanne

Roxanne - The Police

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Letra de Roxanne - The Police

Roxanne en español

Roxanne you dont have to put on the red light
Those days are over you dont have to sell your body to the night
Roxanne you dont have to wear that dress tonight
Walk the streets for money you dont care if its wrong or if its right

Roxanne You dont have to put on the red light
Roxanne You dont have to put on the red light
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light) Oh

I loved you since I knew ya
I wouldnt talk down to ya
I have to tell you just how I feel
I wont share you with another boy
I know my mind is made up so put away your make-up
I told you once I wont tell you again its a bad way

Roxanne you dont have to put on the red light
Roxanne you dont have to put on the red light
Roxanne (you dont have to put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)

Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (you dont have to put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)
Roxanne (put on the red light)

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