Canción con el nombre Ruby

Ruby - Boyzone

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Letra de Ruby - Boyzone

You were a dreamer
They always got you by
Dont forget them
Or one by one theyll die
You have to know the dark to know the light when she comes
Too sad to see that she had never go

Oh I know the fire is hot hot hot
Ruby stay on the line
Oh just give it all you got got got
Ruby stay on the line
Cause I want my heart on your first fall for love(?)
I know youre gonna be fine
Come on Come on, Come on
Ruby stay on the line

Ive never seen you so scared of everything
Its not who you are
Dont let them ring your end
Take the lid off now and show them what you got
I love you as you are
No matter what


On the line
I hardly reconignize you lately
Dont ever tell me that your dreams are too old
I want to see you grabbing life like you used to
No dont you let go oh oh
Youll be fine
Come on Ruby stay on the line
Cause I want my heart on your first fall for love
I know youre gonna be fine
Come on [3x]
Ruby stay on the line
On the line

[Chorus 2x]

Come on [2x]
Ruby stay on the line

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