Canción con el nombre Ruby

Ruby - Kaiser Chiefs

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Letra de Ruby - Kaiser Chiefs

Let it never be said that romance is dead
cos theres so little else occupying my head
There is nothing I need, cept the function to breathe
But Im not really fussed doesnt matter to me

Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby
Do ya do ya do ya do ya
Know what youre doing, doing to me
Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby

Due to lack of interest
tomorrow is cancelled
let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held
cos theres nothing at all cept the space in between
Finding out what youre called and repeating your name

Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby
Do ya do ya do ya do ya
Know what youre doing, doing to me
Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby

Could it be could it be that youre joking with me
And you dont really see you with me
Could it be could it be that youre joking with me
And you dont really see you with me

Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby
Do ya do ya do ya do ya
Know what youre doing, doing to me
Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby
Do ya do ya do ya do ya
what youre doing, doing to me

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