Canción con el nombre Sandra

Sandra - The Volumes

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Letra de Sandra - The Volumes

All my life
I cant define
This single instant
This graphic moment
To step foot on this
To step foot on this

Youll never know
Youre the reason I came
I cannot do this without you
No, I never doubt you
But I feel like you dont feel the same way

Now youre buried underneath
Gone but never forgotten
James Vahle

I was young
An inquisition of who I would become
Who I see in myself
When the gravel got loose
And you were just trying to help me

Loved ones
Afterlife is something that you think about
When youre caught up in that moment
That moment you dont wanna dream about

When you want something more
And she said I was stuck
And I should have pulled you out of that truck
Im sorry, its my summer

Weve been saying
Whyd you have to go?
Whyd you have to go?
Ive been waiting
Staring at the floor
Staring at the phone

Now youre buried underneath
Gone but never forgotten
James Vahle

I dont often think about regret
And what it means to me
I will always have all respect
About what you mean to me

Why the fuck couldnt you have left it in the driveway?
I knew it
I would have picked you up
I would have been there
Why the fuck couldnt you have left it in the driveway?
I can see you
Now every time I turn the corner all Im gonna think about is

Loved ones
Afterlife is something that you think about
When youre caught up in that moment
That moment you dont wanna dream about

When you want something more
And she said I was stuck
And I should have pulled you out of that truck
Im sorry, its my summer

Weve been saying
Whyd you have to go?
Whyd you have to go?
Ive been waiting
Staring at the floor
Staring at the phone

(Gracias a Rubén por esta letra)

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