Canción con el nombre Clementine

Sarah Jaffe - Clementine

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Letra de Sarah Jaffe - Clementine

50 states
50 lines
50 crying all the times
50 boys
50 lies
50 im gonna change my minds
i changed my mind
i changed my mind
now im feeling different

we were young
we were young
we were young we didnt care
is it gone
is it gone
is it floating in the air?
i changed my mind
i changed my mind
now im feeling different

all that time, wasted
i wish i was a little more delicate
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my name was clementine

50 states
50 lines
50 crying all the times
50 boys
50 lies
50 im gonna change my minds
i changed my mind
i changed my mind
now im feeling different

we were young
we were young
we were young we didnt care
is it gone
is it gone
or floating in the air?
i changed my mind
i changed my mind
now im feeling different

all that time, wasted
i wish i was a little more delicate
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my name was clementine

oh all that time, wasted
i wish i was a little more delicate
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my
i wish my name was clementine

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