Canción con el nombre Paola

Shout Out Louds - Paola

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Letra de Shout Out Louds - Paola

If you ask well go all the way
Set fire to the school we once went to
You and I
Some might that say
That we threw our lives away
Cruel and dark
Like the shadows under your eyes

If you ask me I will be sure agree
Cant wait for another day
Cant wait another year
At 23 the waves come crashing over me
High and low and lighters in the sky

Picture a sky where there are no clouds
Turn the city into flames
Everything they built for us
Everything we couldnt change
It was not our mission or our religion
Just something we went through
And nones gonna tells us what to do

If you close your eyes it desappears
Make less of a sound
Than a whisper in your hear
We couldnt say no to a life in stereo
High and low and we are out of sight

Picture a sky where there are no clouds
Turn the city into flames
Everything they built for us
Everything we couldnt change
It was not our mission or our religion
Just something we went through
And nones gonna tells us what to do

Were free listen to me
Better burn than put the fire out
Everything they say to us
Everything we have to doubt
It was not our mission or our religion
Just something we went through
And nones gonna tells us what to do

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