Canción con el nombre Stephanie

Sleep House - Stephanie

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Letra de Sleep House - Stephanie

I will never sleep alone (never without you)
Whatever you say to me
I already know
If I say something to you
You would take those words
Theres so much power in those words

You dont know
You dont know nothing yet
About the dreams I have
I will make you sleep
Cause you dont know
You dont know nothing yet
About the dreams I have
Sleep is a house for lovers

You will be the mistress
Of that house
You will be given the wide belt
And the big key to the gate
If I say something to you
You would take those words
Theres so much power in those words, oh

You dont know
You dont know nothing yet
About the dreams I have
I will make you sleep
Cause you dont know
You dont know nothing yet
About the dreams I have
Sleep is a house for lovers

Caus you dont know
You dont know nothing yet
About the dreams I have
I will make you sleep
Cause you dont know
You dont know nothing yet
About the dreams I have

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