Canción con el nombre Sofía

Sofía - Doctor Pop

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Letra de Sofía - Doctor Pop

The hot summer night fell like a net
Ive got to find my baby yet
I need you to soothe my head
Turn my blue heart to red

Doctor, doctor, give me the news
Ive got a bad case of lovin you
No pills gonna cure my ill
Ive got a bad case of lovin you

A pretty face dont make no pretty heart
I learned that, buddy, from the start
You think Im cute, a little bit shy
Momma, I aint that kind of guy

Doctor, doctor, give me the news
I got a bad case of lovin you
No pills gonna cure my ill
I got a bad case of lovin you

I know you like it, you like it on top
Tell me, momma, are you gonna stop?

You had me down, 21 to zip
Smile of Judas on your lip
Shake my fist, knock on wood
Ive got it bad, and Ive got it good

Doctor, doctor, gimme the news
I got a bad case of lovin you
No pills gonna cure my ill
I got a bad case of lovin you

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