Canción con el nombre Mary

Sutherland Brothers & Quiver - Arms Of Mary

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Letra de Sutherland Brothers & Quiver - Arms Of Mary

Reach for the sky, reach for the blue, blue sky
Keep on doing it, take the chance to be free
Head for the stars, head for the clear, white stars
Keep on flying out, spread your wings and youll see

Your mother never told you, but I see it in your eyes
Youre looking for an answer every time you wonder why
The world will never hold you when your spirit starts to fly
The only way youll find out is by reaching for the sky

Dont wait too long, dont wait for me too long
Im still hanging on, hoping for something to come
You could be wild, you could be young and wild
In some better place, just face up and dont run

Your mother never told you, but I see it in your eyes
Youre looking for an answer every time you wonder why
The world will never hold you when your spirit starts to fly
The only way youll find out is by reaching for the sky

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