Canción con el nombre Anita

The Dø - Anita No!

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Letra de The Dø - Anita No!

When we met, I always knew
I would feel the magic for you
On my mind constantly
In my arms is where you should be

I love you here by me, baby
You let my love fly free
I want you in my life for all time

Caught up in the rapture of love
Nothing else can compare
When I feel the magic of you

We stand side by side
Till the storms of life pass us by
Light my life, warm my heart
Say tonight will be just a start

I love you here by me, baby
You let my love fly free
I want you in my life for all time

Caught up in the rapture of love
Nothing else can compare
When I feel the magic of you
The feelings always new
Caught up in the rapture of you

I love you here by me, baby
You let my love fly free
I want you in my life for all time

Caught up in the rapture of love

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