Canción con el nombre Ophelia

The Lumineers - Ophelia

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Letra de The Lumineers - Ophelia

Ah, ah, when I was younger
I, I shouldve known better
And I cant feel no remorse
And you dont feel nothing back
Ah, ah, got a new girlfriend,
He feels like hes on top
And I dont feel no remorse
And you cant see past my blinders

Oh, Ophelia
Youve been on my mind, girl, since the flood
Oh, Ophelia
Heaven help the fool who falls in love

I, I got a little paycheck
You got big plans and you gotta move (whoo!)
And I dont feel nothing at all
And you cant feel nothing small

Honey, I love you
Thats all she wrote

Oh, Ophelia
Youve been on my mind, girl, like a drug
Oh, Ophelia
Heaven help the fool who falls in love
Oh, Ophelia
Youve been on my mind, girl, since the flood
Oh, Ophelia
Heaven help the fool who falls in love
Oh, Ophelia
Youve been on my mind, girl, like a drug
Oh, Ophelia
Heaven help the fool who falls in love

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