Canción con el nombre Tina
Tina - Frank Sinatra
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Letra de Tina - Frank Sinatra
You simply cant forget her
The moment you have met her, your heart will never ever be the same
Tina, Tina, nobody else but Tina, thats the little ladys name
And once youve gone and kissed her
Give up, you cant resist her, your thoughts will wear her picture like a frame
Tina, Tina, nobody quite like Tina, thats the little ladys name
Shell merely smile, and in a twinkling
Youll swear that smile contains a star
Before that smile, you had no inkling
How much in love you really are
Let others look for angels
I have no time for angels, Ive found someone more than just ine
Tina, Tina, no sir, you cant have Tina
Tina is mine, all mine
Tina is mine, all mine > >
The moment you have met her, your heart will never ever be the same
Tina, Tina, nobody else but Tina, thats the little ladys name
And once youve gone and kissed her
Give up, you cant resist her, your thoughts will wear her picture like a frame
Tina, Tina, nobody quite like Tina, thats the little ladys name
Shell merely smile, and in a twinkling
Youll swear that smile contains a star
Before that smile, you had no inkling
How much in love you really are
Let others look for angels
I have no time for angels, Ive found someone more than just ine
Tina, Tina, no sir, you cant have Tina
Tina is mine, all mine
Tina is mine, all mine > >
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