Canción con el nombre Ruby

Twenty one pilots - Ruby

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Letra de Twenty one pilots - Ruby

Ruby, I hope I see you
Ive waited all this week
For you to walk my way
Your soul will capture me

Your momma painted your room
A shade of pink, she said
But with your great arrival
That shade has turned to red

Ruby, take my hand
Please lead me to the promise land
Tell me, where am I from
Your eyes say,

Ruby, youre royalty
In your homeland they all call you Queen
Tell me, where are you from?
Your eyes say,

Youre an angel fallen down
Wont you tell us of the clouds
You have fallen from the sky
How high, how high?

Youre an angel fallen down
Wont you tell us of the clouds
You have fallen from the sky
How high, how high?

Youre true and pure
You hold the cure
Were all diseased
You hold the key

Youre an angel fallen down
Wont you tell us of the clouds
You have fallen from the sky
How high, how high?

Tell her dad Im sorry

Youre an angel

Tell her dad Im sorry

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