Canción con el nombre Wendy
Wendy - The Beach Boys
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Letra de Wendy - The Beach Boys
Wendy, Wendy what went wrong oh, so wrong
We went together for so long
I never thought a guy could cry
Til you made it with another guy
Oh, Wendy, Wendy left me alone (hurts so bad)
Wendy, Wendy dont lose your head
(Lose your head)
Wendy dont believe a word he says, ooh ooh
I cant picture you with him
His future looks awful dim
Oh, Wendy, Wendy left me alone (hurts so bad)
I thought we had our love down pat
Guess I was wrong
The farthest thing from my mind
Was the day that Id wake up to find
My Wendy, Wendy left me alone
Wendy, Wendy left me alone (hurts so bad)
Wendy, Wendy left me alone (hurts so bad)
Wendy, Wendy left me alone
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